Caring for Your New Smile After a Smile Makeover

Smile Makeover Forest Hills, NY

A smile makeover can completely transform your oral cavity and give you the confidence and self-assurance that you have been seeking. However, you might be a bit nervous after getting your smile makeover: After all, what happens if you ruin the results? The good news is that the effects of a smile makeover are built to last!

That said, there are things that you can do to extend the life of your new smile for as long as possible. Proper oral care is a good starting point, but you should consider these other care strategies.

How to take care of smile makeover results

Everyone’s smile makeover will be different because each patient receives a customized strategy that suits their goals, dentition, and budget. However, the following general recommendations apply to most people who want to care for their smile makeover results correctly.

Avoid staining foods

Many smile makeovers include teeth whitening to brighten the smile by multiple shades. To help these results last, limit foods that can stain the teeth. These include coffee, tea, and nightshade vegetables like tomatoes. While these foods and beverages can still have a place in a patient’s diet, they should rinse their mouth after consumption so they do not stain the teeth.

Eat a balanced diet

Nutrition matters not just for the body as a whole but specifically for the teeth and gums. A diet rich in vitamins and minerals provides enamel with the support that it needs to stay strong. Calcium for the teeth, vitamin C for the gums, and other nutrients will create a favorable environment that enables the oral cavity to combat bacteria and decay.

Stay hydrated

Being dehydrated can be uncomfortable, but it also negatively affects the mouth. Proper hydration keeps the saliva adequately viscous, so it can wash away bacteria and establish a defensive layer against plaque. Saliva helps keep the mouth clean, and proper hydration can slow decay that would otherwise compromise the results of a smile makeover.

Cease problematic habits

Certain habits place undue strain on the mouth, which can undo smile makeover adjustments like dental bonding to repair cracks. Avoid practices like chewing on fingernails, pencils, or ice. Patients who smoke are encouraged to stop, as not only does smoking dry out the mouth, but it can also severely discolor teeth.

Patients who have a habit of grinding their teeth should invest in a mouth guard to protect the enamel from wearing away over time. As an added benefit, this helps decrease the risk of TMJ disorders!

Explore your smile makeover options

A smile makeover can be an exciting time in your life that brings newfound confidence. However, it is reasonable to want to preserve the results for as long as possible. Contact our office to explore your smile makeover options and how you can adjust your habits to protect your investment in a great smile for years to come.

Request an appointment here: or call Perfect Smile Design P.C., Richard H. Lestz, DDS at (718) 841-9607 for an appointment in our Forest Hills office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Smile Makeover in Forest Hills, NY.

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