Your Dental Practice Discusses Gum and Oral Health

Your Dental Practice Discusses Gum and Oral Health from Perfect Smile Design P.C., Richard H. Lestz, DDS in Forest Hills, NYOptimal oral health is possible through regular visits at a dental practice and personal oral hygiene practices. The main goal of an ideal dental practice is to have their patients extend the level of oral care that they provide. Through regular oral care practices, dental patients can help control or even prevent serious oral diseases. That way, dental patients can achieve the healthy, bright smile that they deserve.

Fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash

Personal oral care is more efficient with the use of fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride is a derivative of fluorine. It is effective in preventing tooth decay. A person, who uses non-fluoride dental products, can get cavities over time.

Regular gentle brushing

Oral health is possible if tooth brushing becomes a daily habit. Brushing at least twice every day can help remove food particles and bacteria from gums and teeth. A proper dental practice often advises patients to brush their teeth gently for about two to three minutes. An up-and-down brushing motion is better than a back-and-forth one.

Effective mouthwash

Finding a mouthwash that has chlorhexidine can help control gingivitis and plaque formation. Fluoride mouthwash can also help stop tooth decay. After flossing and brushing, an effective mouthwash can flush out the dislodged particles and bacteria. At the same time, it leaves a protective coating over gums and teeth.

Flossing before bed

This practice can remove bacteria from areas of dentition that are difficult to reach. Without these oral health threats, bad breath can also go away. A proper dental practice usually advises patients to floss before bedtime. Doing so can eliminate lodged food particles and stubborn plaque, leaving the mouth safe and healthy through the night.

Cessation of smoking

Smoking is detrimental to the immune system. Because the habit impairs blood oxygenation and circulation, tissues cannot function or heal well. Smoking can make it challenging for the gums to heal after dental treatment. It also stains the tongue and teeth and causes bad breath.

Regular visits at the dental practice

Keeping appointments with an experienced dental practice can enhance oral health. Having dental checkups every six months is an ideal routine. This gives the dentist the chance to provide their patients with a professional dental cleaning and proper visual checks of the oral cavity. Through regular dental appointments, the risk of developing serious oral health issues lowers.

More water

Water is healthy because it does not have elements that could deteriorate oral health. It rinses and hydrates the mouth, enhancing oral health. This colorless and flavorless liquid supports organ system function and oral health. Reducing the intake of sugary drinks can be difficult. However, it is necessary to ensure healthy teeth and gums.

You can have a healthy mouth with the help of your dental practice

Personal hygiene practices along with professional dental care result in optimal gums and teeth. Useful tips from your dentist can help elevate your dental care at home. If you already have dental problems, seeing your dentist regularly can help eliminate them. Doing so can also prevent these issues from worsening. Dental health is achievable. All you need is some guidance from your dental practice as you do your part.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Practice in Forest Hills, NY

Call Us Today

Request an appointment or call Perfect Smile Design P.C., Richard H. Lestz, DDS at 718-841-9607 for an appointment in our Forest Hills office.

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